Sunday, March 29, 2009

BIG things...

are happening for Jacob. A couple of weeks ago we gave him a little trim. We cut a couple of inches of hair from the left and right sides of his head. He looks so much older. And, as I mentioned previously, Jacob was starting to get his first tooth, well 2 weeks later, and he has both bottom teeth in. Lately, he's been really itchy up top. AND! He's learning to crawl. I have a video to share. This was only his second day of crawling, but now that he's been into it for a few more days, he's gotten much better. Jacob also likes the swing. We broke out my niece and nephew's old swing and he liked it, so we got him a new one. I'm so glad we have a built in swing set.

Pearly whites and spiffy haircut... Holding on tight... Daddy and cousin Jasmine took Jacob on his new swing with mismatched jacket and trendy sunglasses... Doing a military crawl to get to his most favorite thing...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Such a big boy! I am so jealous you have a swingset!